Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Sunday, January 9, 2011


6 months pregnant...25 weeks and 2 days to be exact!


*I've recently discovered that I bowl much better pregnant - pretty amazing.
*I've also figured out that when you're pregnant and you REALLY have to don't really have any pee, it's kind of like a big giant joke because you rush to the bathroom thinking you have to pee soooo bad but really its more just the baby pushing violently on your bladder.
*I'm trying to sleep more on my side, I keep waking up in the middle of the night on my back in agonizing pain, not fun.
* My next Dr appt is on the 19th. I'll have the glucose test done, hopefully that goes good.
* I also dye my hair on the 19th - totally not baby related but just fun :)
* The baby likes to lie super duper low. Alot of times its really uncomfortable on my fibroids but other times its just completely bizarre feeling. I don't remember Jake being so low in my abdomen!
*I'm feeling great - like great how I did when I was prego with Jake & I'm loving every minute of it. So happy that the 1st trimester and all of its craziness is over! Bleh!
* I'm really enjoying yoga & working out & walking/jogging Elvis (although I've re-injured my tendon and have to stop walking/jogging till I see the doc this Friday, boooo!)  I've been making sure I'm eating healthy and organic and feel like I'm taking really good care of our little poppy.
* Staring at my stomach to see the baby move has become my new obsession
* School starts again on the 18th - I took the advice of a good friend & am only taking one class this semester so my focus can be on the last trimester and our sweet pea that's coming
*Besides my fibroids the only other concern I've had has been with my asthma. I have to take my inhaler quite often and HATE taking it but I know that I have to so I can breath. I've had quite a few triggers that have launched me into little mini attacks and they're pretty scary. Weird how things can get worse when you're pregnant. Other than that though things are good right now, really really good.
*Oh and my shower is on March 20th. Not sure if I'm having one or two but that's a date for sure that I'm getting showered!

6 month picture - before church this morning.


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