Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Monday, February 14, 2011

Just a start...

The baby's room has officially been EMPTIED! I'll have to post a picture of what our downstairs looks like right now because everything that was in the beeb's room is now in our downstairs front room & it's a freakin' DISASTER!!! Poor Elvis can barely get to the front window to look out because of all the boxes & crap strewn everywhere, what a mess. But its progress and even in the midst of the chaos there's some sort of reason to it all - reason that yes, only I can understand but oh well, it kind of became my project. While I emptied the baby's room, Tom worked on re-organizing the garage, we're trying to utilize our space as best as we can right now to make room for everything. So now with the room all cleared out we can finally paint and start decorating - the fun part! YAY! Our visions & plans for the room haven't changed since we've found out we're having a fact nothing really has. I'll leave it a surprise though what we're doing until we've finished it & we post some pics of our little poppy's lullaby land.

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