Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Friday, November 12, 2010

17 week update

Today I'm 17 weeks & the baby is definitely popping out now!

This weeks update: The baby is the size of a turnip now (see the size below!) and is about 5 inches long. The baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone & the umbilical cord is growing stronger & thicker. The baby weighs about 5 ounces & can now move its joints and is developing sweat glands! So exciting!! Our little turnip is growing bigger & bigger. In last weeks update it said to get ready for a big growth spurt, that the baby will be doubling in size over the next few weeks. Eeeeeek! Going to get much bigger!

Right now I'm feeing good, most of my eating habits have gone back to normal. I'm still eating meat - for those of you who didn't know, I was a vegetarian before I got pregnant but right around 2 months along I started craving meat & have been eating it again for the last 2 months. The 1st trimester all I wanted was carbs & cheese though & hated anything good for you. Thank God that's over and I'm eating more normally again...with the exception of a few weird things. For example, since I've been pregnant I HATE gum. For some reason I just can't stand chewing it for more than a couple of minutes. And I also hate yogurt, which I'm a little sad about because I usually eat yogurt everyday. But really all in all I LOVE food. Food has never tasted sooooo unbelievably good before. I mean, my PB&J sandwiches are UH-MAZING! I'm loving every minute of eating! Yuuuuuum!


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